


Ventilation Smoke Control System

The UCS-6000 from POLON-ALFA control panel is designed to mechanically activate natural smoke ventilation devices (smoke dampers, cutoff dampers). This system provides the following features:

1- Fire (smoke) detection

2- Automatic or manual activation of fire protection devices installed in smoke ventilation systems

3- Activating audio and visual warnings accordingly (alarm, error)

4- Automatic control of activation of fire protection and control equipment (actuators, electromagnets, fans, etc.) smoke ventilation system

5- Automatic control of the systems and circuits of the control panel itself

6- Transferring basic information to upstream systems such as POLON-4000, POLON-6000, IGNIS 1000  or other systems about (warnings, errors, fire protection status and command equipment)

The UCS 6000 control panel can be used separately as a single or multi-zone smoke ventilation control center or in the loop of POLON-4000 and POLON-6000 system fire alarm control panels.